Wednesday May 01, 2024

Enter His Rest Trailer

I am Pamella Dupree, a certified Christian Life Coach, transitional coach, mother, grandmother, speaker, author, entrepreneur, but most of all a lover of GOD.

Are you tired of feeling frustrated, hopeless, stuck and like things may never get better.  Are you tired of struggling to believe and trust in GOD? You even wonder why am I here?

Are you tired of your prayers going unanswered, tired of not hearing GOD, and experiencing HIS presence like others. 

If so, I’ve been where you are.  I did all the spiritual things I knew to do, attended church, read the word, prayed, so I thought.  And why?  Because isn’t that what Christians do?  I was what I like to refer to as a Frustrated Christian.  I was free, but yet bound.  I did not experience the joy I thought was supposed to have. 


I knew Hebrews 11:6 said without faith it was impossible to please him. I wanted to please HIM, but I struggled to believe HIM.

That’s when my pursuit of an intimate relationship began. 

If you desire an intimate relationship with GOD? A relationship where you hear his voice, you know your prayers will be answered, you know your purpose and have the confidence to live it out.  This this podcast is for you.

I’ll be providing practical tips to have an intimate relationship with GOD, increase your faith, and experience joy and freedom Christ came for us to have, and I will assist as you transition through many of life’s difficult moments.

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